Dental Implants in Carrollton: Will Anyone Know the Difference?

December 17, 2018

side view of dental implant

Dental implants in Carrollton are an effective solution to many oral health problems, especially missing teeth. Properly placed implants are indistinguishable from healthy natural teeth. This means that implants provide not only significant practical benefits but cosmetic restoration as well.

What Makes Dental Implants Different?

Human beings have been struggling with missing teeth since the beginning of civilization. Even a single missing tooth can compromise the strength and functionality of those around it, causing continuous tooth loss and, in many cases, degradation of the bones in the face and jaw.

The three traditional ways of dealing with this problem are crowns, bridges, and dentures. While each of these approaches has its benefits, they also suffer from a number of drawbacks. These include:

  • Relianceupon chemical adhesives to support the restoration. For example, dentures areheld in place by a messy bonding agent that can fail at the worst possible time.
  • The need for healthy teeth to help support those that are missing. For example, a traditional bridge relies on the teeth surrounding the gap in the patient’s smile to support the appliance. This creates severe problems for those whose natural teeth are all, or almost all, missing.
  • Lifestyle considerations. We’ve already mentioned the fact that traditional dentures can come loose at any time. Other problems denture wearers face include dietary restrictions and bone resorption or degradation.

Dental implants were developed to address these shortcomings. There are the closest thing to new teeth that modern dental medicine can currently offer.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are artificial teeth made from ceramic and other materials. They’re joined to a small titanium post that infuses itself with the bones in the patient’s upper or lower jaw. This is the same system that Mother Nature uses to support natural teeth.

Dentists use a special medical-grade form of titanium that’s both remarkably strong and lightweight. As for the visible part of the restoration, your dentist will perform a series of digital imaging scans to match the artificial tooth with your oral profile. This is the information that the laboratory will use to create your restoration.

Once in place, your implants will be indistinguishable from a healthy set of natural teeth. You’ll be able to eat all your favorite foods, enjoy sports and other recreational activities, and approach business and social situations with utmost confidence. It will be as if your teeth were never lost.

For patients who require multiple tooth restoration, cosmetic dentists offer a special type of implant-supported denture. Please don’t confuse these with traditional dentures;not only are they for more durable, they will never cause bone degradation and resorption problems.

Are Dental Implants the Right Solution for Me?

Only a qualified dental professional can tell you if dental implants are the answer you’re looking for. The first step is to make an appointment with an implant dentist in Carrollton to find out more. He or she will perform a complete oral examination and discuss your options with you at that time. For many patients,dental implants are the key to a restored smile and a happier, healthier life.

About the Author

Dr. Durga Devarakonda earned her DDS degree from the Tufts University School of Dental Medicine in 2011. She takes care of patients from one to 100 years old, giving her the skill set needed to treat a wide range of dental conditions. You can reach her office onlineor by calling (972) 245-3395.