How to Keep Your Smile from Getting Scary this Halloween

October 1, 2023

pumpkin with a scary smile

Halloween is all about embracing the things that scare us, reveling in horror movies and putting on creepy costumes. If you’re someone who’s conscientious about your oral health, there may be one thing that scares you more than anything this time of year: cavities.

With sugary sweets everywhere you go, it may start to seem like there’s no way for you to keep your smile in good shape through the Halloween season. If that’s your concern, don’t worry. With these tips, you should wake up on November 1st with a smile just as healthy as the one you had before the holiday.

Brush When You Can

As you’re probably well aware, one of the most important things that you can do if you want to keep your oral health in good shape is to brush thoroughly. While snacking on sweets can be tempting, you can compensate for your indulgence by taking a moment out of your day to clean up afterward.

Pick the Right Sweets

While it’s hard to necessarily recommend any kind of candy, there are certainly some that are worse than others. The worst candies are the ones that get caught in your teeth, like caramel. The longer that sugar hangs around in your mouth, the more it will feed bacteria and contribute to tooth decay. The absolute worst are gummy, sour candies—not only can they get gummed up in your smile, they also contain citric acid that can erode the enamel directly.

On the other hand, some candies wash away more easily, and are therefore less damaging to your teeth. Chocolates are a good example. If you want to indulge a little without compromising much on our oral health, making savvy choices about which candies you eat can go a long way.

Schedule Your Appointment Now

Even if you wind up doing a little bit of damage to your teeth, a deep cleaning from your dentist may be able to help. Halloween is a great chance to check on the state of your oral health, and to make sure that you don’t have a sugar hangover that leads to gum disease down the line.

About the Author

Dr. Durga Devarakonda knows that dentistry is about more than just teeth, which is why she and her remarkable dental team work hard to provide her patients with friendly, comfortable, and comprehensive oral healthcare. Dr. Devarakonda received her degree from the Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, beginning her career in a pediatric clinic before transitioning to general dentistry. This allows her to provide patients of all ages with the care that they need to smile their brightest.

If you have any questions about how to protect your smile this Halloween, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (972) 236-7906.