How Vaping Can Affect Your Oral Health

August 6, 2023

picture of someone vaping

One of the newest and most thoroughly studied topics in healthcare is vaping. Over the past 10 years, vaping has absolutely exploded, with vape stores appearing on every corner.

Part of vaping’s popularity has to do with the fact that, unlike smoking, the dangers associated with it aren’t fully understood. However, in addition to the well-known negative effects of nicotine, research has emerged that should make you consider whether vaping in general could be problematic.

In addition to consequences for the lungs and heart, vaping appears to have some pretty serious consequences for your oral health. Here are a few examples.

Vaping and Dry Mouth

If you’ve ever vaped before, you’re probably well aware that one of the most common side effects of it is dry mouth. Not only is this unpleasant, but it can also have serious negative effects on your oral health.

Saliva plays an important role. It breaks down foods and washes them into the stomach, thereby reducing the amount of time that they’re stuck in the mouth. Without adequate saliva production, you can expect to see greater rates of bad breath, tooth decay, and gum disease.

Vaping and Gum Disease

Speaking of gum disease, studies have shown that the nicotine in vapes can seriously contribute to periodontal infection. This comes from the American Heart Association, whose research found that nicotine—a vasoconstrictor—cuts off blood flow to the gums, which impairs the mouth’s ability to fight off disease. You may therefore start to see your oral health suffer, even if you aren’t technically smoking.

How Vaping Stains Teeth

It’s no secret that the tar in cigarettes can stain teeth, but that’s not the only factor that may potentially cause your smile to become discolored. Nicotine itself can leave stains behind on the teeth, meaning that even vaping may darken your smile over time.

Some people argue that vaping is a safer alternative to smoking—however, any amount of nicotine can potentially have serious effects on the quality of your smile. In the long run, the best thing for your teeth is to cut back or quit.

About the Author

Dr. Durga Devarakonda is a dentist who understands that getting oral healthcare can be anxiety-inducing, which is why she takes immense pleasure in being able to help patients of any age to get comfortable, stress-free dentistry that keeps them at ease. Dr. Devarakonda received her degree from the Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, and she is currently a member of the American Dental Association and the Texas Dental Association.

If you have any questions about the effects of vaping on oral health, she can be reached at her website or by phone at (972) 236-7906.