DD Family Dentistry Blog

How Long Should You Wear a Retainer After Invisalign?

November 3, 2023

person holding up Invisalign retainer and smiling

If you’re considering undergoing Invisalign treatment to straighten your pearly whites, then it’s important to understand the post-treatment phase. Invisalign, which is a treatment that is known for its discreet approach, requires the use of retainers after treatment completion to maintain the results. Let’s explore how long you’ll need to wear a retainer and why it’s essential for preserving your newly aligned smile.


How to Keep Your Smile from Getting Scary this Halloween

October 1, 2023

pumpkin with a scary smile

Halloween is all about embracing the things that scare us, reveling in horror movies and putting on creepy costumes. If you’re someone who’s conscientious about your oral health, there may be one thing that scares you more than anything this time of year: cavities.

With sugary sweets everywhere you go, it may start to seem like there’s no way for you to keep your smile in good shape through the Halloween season. If that’s your concern, don’t worry. With these tips, you should wake up on November 1st with a smile just as healthy as the one you had before the holiday.


Will Everyone Get Wisdom Teeth?

September 6, 2023

person wondering if everyone has wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth, often referred to as the third molars, are the final set of molars to emerge. For individuals in their twenties who have yet to experience the eruption of their wisdom teeth, questions may arise about whether they will ever develop these molars. Continue reading to learn whether everyone will develop wisdom teeth at some point in their life and how to know if you have them.


How Vaping Can Affect Your Oral Health

August 6, 2023

picture of someone vaping

One of the newest and most thoroughly studied topics in healthcare is vaping. Over the past 10 years, vaping has absolutely exploded, with vape stores appearing on every corner.

Part of vaping’s popularity has to do with the fact that, unlike smoking, the dangers associated with it aren’t fully understood. However, in addition to the well-known negative effects of nicotine, research has emerged that should make you consider whether vaping in general could be problematic.

In addition to consequences for the lungs and heart, vaping appears to have some pretty serious consequences for your oral health. Here are a few examples.


The Truth about Veneers and Tooth Sensitivity

June 6, 2023

woman eating an ice cream cone

It’s easy for people to get excited about the prospect of getting veneers—they can completely change the way your smile looks by eliminating a wide variety of chips, cracks, discoloration, and other kinds of aesthetic imperfections.

However, you may have heard that veneers can lead to a little bit of tooth sensitivity. If you want to know more about whether that’s something to worry about, here’s some information you may find helpful.


The Worst Foods to Get Stuck Between Your Teeth

May 18, 2023

a person using a toothpick

There are no words to describe that frustrating feeling when a piece of food gets lodged between your teeth, making you feel uncomfortable until it’s removed. However, there are a select few foods that are notorious for becoming trapped in your mouth, causing you to desperately search for a toothpick or dental floss. Read on to learn four of the worst foods known for getting stuck between teeth and why you should always have floss picks handy.


How Dentistry Changes for People with Down Syndrome

April 8, 2023

smiling person with Down syndrome

If someone you love has Down syndrome, you are probably used to all kinds of medical care looking a little different for them than it may for you. The combination of mental and physical symptoms of the condition means that there’s a lot to consider for a medical professional.

That’s as true for dentistry as it is for any other field of medicine. If you want to know how Down syndrome will change the way that your loved one gets dental care, here are some considerations that will need to be made for them.


You Asked, We Answered: Is Sedation Dentistry Covered by Insurance?

March 30, 2023

 dental insurance form on table

Were you recently told that you need a root canal or tooth extraction? These procedures may sound daunting, which can cause you to panic a bit. Fortunately, sedation dentistry in Carrollton can help calm your nerves! Although it can be beneficial when undergoing a major treatment, you may be hesitant to get it until you know how much it costs. Below, you can find out if your plan includes this beneficial service and learn more about a few alternatives to pay for sedation dentistry.


How Special Needs Patients Can Benefit from Sedation Dentistry

February 23, 2023

patient with glasses wearing a nitrous mask

If you have a loved one with special needs, you obviously want them to have the best of everything possible. As any dentist will tell you, that includes having good oral health.

However, special needs patients require a little bit of additional support to keep their oral health in top shape. That may mean more trips to the dentist, but it can also involve keeping them calm during treatment. Here’s a little bit more information about what special needs patients require from their dentist, and how providers can accommodate them.


4 Invisalign Tips for the Holidays  

December 8, 2022

patient with Invisalign during the holidays

Are you currently undergoing Invisalign treatment? This orthodontic option is favored by many for its nearly invisible appearance, lack of dietary restrictions, and removability. With the holidays quickly approaching, people who are entering their first season with Invisalign may be wondering if this treatment will make things look different for them this year. So that you can ensure that your smile stays on the right track, continue reading for some helpful tips.
