DD Family Dentistry Blog

Consult Your Dentist First Before Doing Teeth Whitening in Carrollton

June 5, 2018

A smile before and after teeth whitening.Do you think your smile is not ready for the summer because of the many years of discoloration that has formed? If you’re considering teeth whitening in Carrollton, you’ll quickly learn there are many benefits to consider. However, some patients may be more sensitive to whitening treatments than others, including treatments inside and outside of the office.

With that being said, it’s always worth consulting with your dentist first so you know your expectations prior to treatment, as well as if you’d prefer to whiten your teeth through other methods.


Do You Need to See an Emergency Dentist in Carrollton?

April 7, 2018

man dental painThere are many scenarios that can end up as a dental accident. For instance, if you’re playing with your child in the park, you could accidentally slip and knock your tooth on the playground. Instead of losing your cool and worrying about your bleeding mouth, the best thing that you can do is take the necessary steps to save your smile.

We know—it sounds easier said than done. Staying prepared with the appropriate dental knowledge can help you to handle a dental accident or emergency much better.

Thankfully, your emergency dentist in Carrollton has put together a quick guide in this week’s blog post to help you determine whether or not urgent dental care needed.  Continue reading to learn more about dental emergencies and what to do if one strikes!


Dentist Says These Factors Increase Your Risk for Oral Cancer

April 3, 2018

young woman covering mouthThis year alone, it is estimated that around 50,000 people will be diagnosed with oral cancer, and only about 50% are likely to survive the next five years. Oral cancer doesn’t often get talked about, but it actually claims at least one life every hour of every day here in the U.S. alone. There are numerous risk factors that make a person more likely to develop oral cancer, and today, your dentist in Carrollton is going to share them as well as what you can do to keep yourself protected. (more…)

Bad Breath – A Sign of Big Trouble? Your Dentist in Carrollton Weighs in

March 21, 2018

man has fire coming from mouthYou’ve been waiting for the weekend to get here, and when it finally arrives, you head to Lower Greenville for some shopping and socializing. As you’re conversing with friends, you notice an unpleasant taste in your mouth. You know that such a taste is more than likely accompanied by an unpleasant odor, so now you’re unable to enjoy yourself for fear that you’ll offend one of your friends. Your dentist in Carrollton says that although your first concern may be to worry about whether anyone else smells your breath, the more pressing issue is the possible warning signs that your mouth is sending you. Learn what they are as you continue reading.


Your Dentist in Carrollton Says Your Oral Care Can Save Your Life!

March 10, 2018

Some of the greatest nemeses to your oral health are bacteria, but did you know that their harmful effects don’t just stop with your mouth, teeth and gums? In fact, everything in your body is connected. That means that the health of one area plays a role in the condition of another, so it’s important to know how to create an environment of total wellness. Therefore, your dentist in Carrollton is weighing in with information on how oral hygiene and preventive dentistry can enhance your overall health. <!—more--> How Can Your Oral Health Affect Your Total Wellness? You know that your mouth, teeth and gums are key in your consumption of food and beverages, your speaking abilities and your intake of oxygen. But this portion of your body also serves as a window into the health of the rest of your structure. The main threats to the health of your oral cavity are bacteria. They are always present in your mouth, but when you eat they flock to any leftover debris to feed on it. If they are not removed from your mouth, these bacteria grow, multiply and cluster together to form plaque – a sticky, clear substance that advances tooth and gum decay. Thus, if plaque is running amuck in your mouth and has caused infection in your gums, it’s just a matter of time before the effects travel to other parts of your body through your blood. The effects can be devastating and even life-threatening. Serious Health Problems Associated with Tooth and Gum Decay One of the results of infection caused by plaque buildup is that it causes inflammation, which is a natural response of the human body to stress or an attack. When plaque in your blood travels down to your heart, the inflammation response manifests as arterial plaque. This inhibits the function of your cardiovascular system and can lead to heart attack. The infected blood not only travels to the heart but also cycles up to the brain. When it arrives there, the inflammation response can lead to Alzheimer’s disease – a neural-degenerative disorder where the long-term memory is destroyed over time. There’s a Ray of Hope! The great news is that these dreadful conditions are preventable. One of the major ways you have to fight them is through practicing excellent oral hygiene, which should include: • Brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice a day. • Making healthier food choices (more fruits and vegetables and less processed foods). The other method you have available to stave off the effects of bacteria is your semi-annual visit to your Carrollton dentist for a cleaning and examination. These preventive care appointments allow you the comfort of protecting your health instead of trying to put out fires. The cleanings will remove the built-up plaque and tartar that may have collected on your teeth and gums, and the checkup will serve as a way to detect any maladies early so that a plan of action can be formed to address them. So to experience the full benefits of proactive care, reach out to your dentist in 75010 to schedule your first visit today! About the Author Dr. Durga Devarakonda earned her Doctor of Dental Medicine degree from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine in 2011 and began her career working with children. She soon transitioned to General and Geriatric Dentistry, enabling her to deliver care for patients from 1 to 100 years of age. Dr. Durga practices at DD Family Dentistry and can be reached for more information through her website.Some of the greatest nemeses to your oral health are bacteria, but did you know that their harmful effects don’t just stop with your mouth, teeth and gums? In fact, everything in your body is connected. That means that the health of one area plays a role in the condition of another, so it’s important to know how to create an environment of total wellness. Therefore, your dentist in Carrollton is weighing in with information on how oral hygiene and preventive dentistry can enhance your overall health.


Dentist in Carrollton Says to Check on Safe Teeth Whitening!

February 27, 2018

woman dental visit Whitening may not be advisable for all patients—for instance, if you have several tooth-colored dental restorations. Sometimes, whitening products can cause adverse effects, such as tooth sensitivity and gum inflammation—both of which you would want to avoid at all costs. Your dentist in Carrollton can advise whether you can safely and effectively whiten your teeth and the best way to do it. Keep reading this week’s blog post to learn about the best whitening treatments available in our office and safe products to use at home.


This Cosmetic Dentist in Carrollton Keeps You Truly Healthy!

February 7, 2018

woman smilingEvery day you wake up and brush your teeth. Sometimes you forget to floss—but shhh! Don’t tell your dentist, right?

Unfortunately, even when you think you’re taking okay care of your smile, visiting your cosmetic dentist in Carrollton can tell you otherwise. And this isn’t to be negative or discourage you from taking better care of your smile—it’s to do the opposite.

Preventive care appointments allow your dentist to catch oral health problems very early on so that they can be addressed, keeping your smile truly heathy for years to come. Learn more about why preventive care is so important in this week’s blog post!


Get a Perfect Smile and Healthy Teeth with Invisalign of Carrollton

January 15, 2018

woman smiling with perfect teethStudies show that one-third of Americans say that a person’s smile is the first thing they notice. And in another data set, researchers found that 73% of the people questioned, said that they were more likely to trust a person with perfect teeth than someone with a high-powered job or a flashy car. These data demonstrate just how high on the priority list our society holds the appearance of your pearly whites. But there is also evidence that reveals how possessing straight teeth can have a positive impact on your health. You’re invited to continue reading to learn about these benefits and how you can achieve them through Invisalign of Carrollton.


The Straight Path to Perfect Teeth with Invisalign of Carrollton

January 3, 2018

woman smiling inserting Invisalign alignersFor far too long you’ve suffered from imperfect teeth and lacked the confidence that you’d love to have, but you’re not sure how to fix this problem. However, you do have plans for how your life will change once you get the smile of your dreams. The time has come to materialize what has previously just been a figment of your imagination. And that’s why your local dentist is glad to inform you about the amazing benefits of Invisalign of Carrollton. You’re invited to continue reading to learn more about this process.


Your Children’s Dentist in Carrollton Shares Nutrition Tips!

December 20, 2017

fruits vegetables Did you know that 1 in every 3 children in America is overweight or obese? There are so many processed, sugary foods that contribute to this problem, but your children’s dentist in Carrollton is here to help you ward off these health concerns for your family. Learn more about why it’s so important to educate your children about diet, nutrition, and dental health to help their overall health improve.
