Why You Really Need to Visit Your Dentist in Carrollton

May 20, 2019

Dentist with patient

Your friend doesn’t go to the dentist. He says he just doesn’t have the time. And really, why bother?  Everyone knows that you need to brush and floss twice a day, so why not just do that and save some money? Then one day, he suffers from a terrible toothache. He goes to the dentist and finds out that while he had been brushing regularly, he missed several spots, and the plaque buildup has led to tooth decay; it’s expensive to treat, but if your friend doesn’t get the treatment, he could lose the tooth, which could lead to even worse problems. Seeing the dentist regularly can save you a lot of trouble in the long run; here are some very good reasons to make sure you visit your dentist in Carrollton. 

Do I Have Tooth Decay?

One of the primary things your dentist will look for during your visit is signs of tooth decay (cavities).  When untreated, tooth decay can lead to an infection, which can lead to losing the tooth altogether. Catching tooth decay early and treating it in its earliest stages can help prevent worse damage down the line.

Are My Teeth Really Clean?

Everyone knows to brush and floss regularly, but if it’s done incorrectly, plaque and tartar may build up anyway. Plaque and tartar are extremely difficult to remove on your own, but fortunately your dentist has the training and tools to give your teeth a much more thorough cleaning.

How Do My Gums Look?

Certain lifestyles and eating habits may cause gum disease, which results in bleeding and tooth loss as well as even more serious health problems if untreated. Your dentist can identify and treat gum problems early on; in fact, in many cases gum disease can be reversed in its earliest stages.   

What’s the Worst That Can Happen?

While tooth decay and gum disease are some of the most common concerns when it comes to oral health, there are some severe oral problems that can be deadly if not dealt with quickly enough. According to the National Institute of Health, over 30,000 Americans per year are diagnosed with oral cancer, and over 8,000 Americans per year die as a result of said cancer. Fortunately, the survival rate is higher when treated early on; your dentist can screen for oral cancer and other severe diseases during your visit.

Many people may be tempted to put off a trip to the dentist, but it’s worth taking time out of your busy schedule. Those two visits a year can help you avoid a lot of unnecessary pain and expenses in the future.

About the Author

Dr. Durga Devarakonda is the leader of a team of trained professionals at her practice, DD Family Dentistry, in Carrollton, Texas. As a dentist with a background in pediatric, general, and geriatric dentistry, she has experience treating patients from ages 1 to 100. She strongly believes that preventive dentistry leads to strong overall health. You can learn more about her practice at her website or at (972) 245-3395.