Dental Implants Carrollton

Embrace the Opportunity for a More Permanent Smile

Gloved hands pointing to model of dental implant

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, you have plenty of options. However, traditional solutions like dental bridges and dentures only provide the aesthetics of a full set of pearly whites and leave much to be desired in terms of functionality. Thankfully, they aren’t your only options anymore! At DD Family Dentistry of Carrollton, we can help you once again enjoy a complete, comfortable, and confident smile with dental implants. This modern solution is considered to be the gold standard of tooth replacement by both patients and dentists alike. To see if dental implants in Carrollton are right for you and how they can change your life, call and schedule an appointment with Dr. Durga!

Why Choose DD Family Dentistry of Carrollton for Dental Implants?

  • Entire Dental Implant Treatment Conveniently Completed Under One Roof
  • Permanently Replace Any Number of Missing Teeth
  • Reasonable Dental Implant Prices & Flexible Payment Options

What are Dental Implants?

Illustration of dental implant crown and abutment

There are three main parts to a dental implant: the implant post, the abutment, and the final restoration. The dental implant post is inserted directly into the jawbone, where it fuses with the surrounding bone tissue over several months. This replaces the roots of a missing tooth to provide a strong, lifelike foundation for the final restoration it supports. Depending on how many teeth you’re missing, this restoration could be a crown, bridge, or denture. We make our restorations out of high-quality dental porcelain, so your replacement teeth will be practically indistinguishable from natural teeth once placed!

Restoring missing dental structures both above and below the gumline offers the next best thing to natural teeth. You’ll be able to speak clearly, eat comfortably, and smile with confidence for decades to come. When you rebuild missing teeth from the roots up, the result is a smile that looks, feels, and functions as if there were never any missing teeth in the first place!

4-Step Dental Implant Process

Illustration of crown being attached to dental implant

Once you choose Dr. Durga as your implant dentist, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the 4-step process of having implants placed and restored. It can take multiple visits and several months of waiting to complete an implant treatment, but it will all be worth it once you have a new stable smile to enjoy. The exact process will be slightly different for each patient; it all depends on what your individual needs are. Generally, the process follows these four steps: an initial consultation, the dental implant surgery itself, osseointegration, and restoration.

Initial Dental Implant Consultation

Dentist showing patient model teeth

The first consultation will be our chance to go over your oral health and medical history, check the current state of your mouth, and decide whether or not dental implants are the best choice in your particular case. A CT scan will be taken of the mouth to determine the ideal placement of the implant posts. Additional preliminary procedures will be scheduled as needed; this might include bone grafting or gum disease therapy. Finally, we’ll set up a timeline for the implant process and go over the costs involved. This is also your best chance to voice any questions or concerns. (Although, you can reach out to us any time if there’s something you want to clarify.)

Dental Implant Surgery

Close up of implant post about to be surgically placed

Dr. Durga is experienced in placing dental implants, meaning you can have dental implant surgery performed right here at our practice. Having everything done under one roof eliminates many potential headaches, such as having to drive across town to see a separate specialist or worrying about receiving bills from separate practices. Your smile will be in our capable, caring hands from start to finish.

The surgery is a relatively straightforward process. After numbing the mouth (and using sedation if needed), we’ll open the gums and create a hole in the jawbone. Then the implant posts will be inserted, the gums will be closed, and a protective cap will be placed on the posts.

Dental Implant Osseointegration & Abutment

Illustration of dental implant integrated to jaw

Osseointegration is the name of the process by which dental implants fuse with the jawbone. This is what separates implants from traditional forms of tooth replacement, allowing them to function as tooth roots and permanently hold your teeth in place. The process can take several months depending on your overall health. Once osseointegration is complete, another minor surgery is required to attach abutments to the tops of your implant posts; you’ll then require another few weeks to heal after this step. The final restoration will be designed based on impressions taken after the implant is in place.

Delivery of Dental Restoration(s)

Dentist showing patient a dental implant model

Once your crown, bridge, or denture is ready, we’ll call you back to our office. Once we make last-minute adjustments and attach the restoration to the implants, we will make sure that you’re comfortable with your current bite. Afterward, your smile will be fully restored and ready to return to its normal routine.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Holding dental implant model and pointing to it with dental instrument

Around 500,000 new dental implants are placed every year, and the number of Americans with implants continues to grow. Implants are different from other types of tooth replacements; they act as new tooth roots, and as such, there are many advantages they provide that simply can’t be replicated by a bridge that’s attached to natural teeth or a denture that sits on the gums. Below is a list of some of the benefits implants can provide on a day-to-day and long-term basis, as well as the health benefits that you’ll enjoy once the implant posts have fully fused with the jawbone.

Day-to-Day Benefits

Man sitting on couch with woman hugging him from behind
  • Improved Confidence: 34% of denture wearers say their dentures limit their ability to live life to the fullest, and 63% report keeping their dentures a secret from someone. With dental implants, your new teeth will be permanently anchored in place so that you can be completely confident with your smile in public.
  • Improved Diet: With dental implants, you can eat whatever you want. The titanium posts give your new teeth the strength and stability needed to successfully chew steak and a variety of other tough foods, and you don’t have to worry about peanut butter or anything else sticky pulling your teeth out of place.
  • Easier Hygiene: It’s easier to clean implant dentures and bridges because they can be brushed and flossed as if they were real teeth. Traditional full dentures and partial dentures have to be removed to be cleaned.

Health Benefits

Man and woman standing outside smiling together
  • No Bone Loss: After teeth are lost, the part of the jawbone that is used to support them will be resorbed. Basically, the now “unused” bone will break down so that it can be used elsewhere. But with dental implants, it’s possible to continue stimulating the jawbone and keep it healthy, thus preventing bone loss and making sure that your face continues to enjoy the support the jaw provides.
  • Preserve Natural Teeth: To place a dental bridge that replaces one or several teeth in a row, small amounts of enamel have to be filed away from your remaining teeth. With dental implants, this step isn’t necessary.
  • Easier to Clean: You don’t have to do anything special to take care of dental implants; just brush and floss like you normally would. Easy maintenance means less risk of oral health issues and other complications.

Long-Term Benefits

Man and woman standing back to back outside smiling
  • Long-Term Success: Have you heard that dental implants have a success rate of around 95%? This applies even to dental implants that have been in the mouth for 10 years or more. When you get implant posts placed by an expert, it’s a long-term solution that you can count on.
  • Longevity: Dental implants have been known to last for 30 years or more. Many people go their entire lives without needing to have an implant post replaced.
  • Cost-Effective: Since you don’t have to replace dental implants as often, if at all, you’ll be saving a lot of money as the years go by.

Who Can Dental Implants Help

Man using dental mirror provided by dentist to check smile

Dental implants are an incredibly versatile solution for replacing missing teeth. Whether you have a single gap in your smile or are missing an entire arch, the procedure can be customized to meet your specific needs. During your initial consultation with Dr. Durga, our team will walk you through how we’ll use dental implants to restore the function and feeling of your smile.

Who is a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

Man and woman walking down path at night

Not everybody is a good candidate for dental implants right away. Some patients require a preparatory procedure or two to get their smile at its peak and healthiest condition before moving forward with the surgery. If you’ve been missing teeth for a while, you may need a bone graft to make your jawbone dense enough to successfully fuse with the dental implant. Or, if you have gum disease, you’ll likely need periodontal therapy to make sure that your dental implants don’t fail.

Once your mouth is healthy and any potential complications during the dental implant process have been addressed, we can move forward with treatment. Because the procedure is customized to fit your needs, our team will walk you through the details of your treatment, like how many dental implants you’ll need to have placed to hold your restoration.

Missing One Tooth

Illustration of dental implant and crown being inserted into jaw

A single-tooth dental implant consists of one dental implant post, an abutment, and a custom-made crown. This dental crown will be precisely crafted and shaded to perfectly match the size, shape, and color of the rest of your teeth for truly seamless results.

Missing Multiple Teeth

Dental bridge being attached to two dental implants

If you are missing several consecutive teeth in a row, we don’t need to replace each one with an individual dental implant and crown. Instead, we can place one dental implant on either side of the gap in your smile and support a bridge between them. For multiple non-consecutive teeth, we’ll use several implants to anchor a partial denture into place.

Missing All Teeth

Illustration of dentures being attached to dental implants

Traditional dentures often leave patients with slipping, sliding smiles and a lack of confidence. Thankfully, implant dentures don't slip or click, and there is no worry about them moving or falling out when speaking, eating, or participating in activities. Since they’re supported by four to six dental implants that are placed directly inside the bone, these dentures help preserve the jawbone and prevent bone deterioration and loss.

Learn More About Implant Dentures


Illustration of All on 4 for upper arch

We also offer All-On-4 dental implants for people who have lost or are about to lose all of their upper or lower teeth. We place a full arch (top or bottom set) of fixed replacement teeth stabilized using four dental implants. The All-On-4 implants are placed in the densest parts of the bone to avoid the need for a bone graft. We use special abutments that allow the placement of a prosthetic the same day.

Learn More About All-On-4

Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

Female patient in yellow sweater talking to dentist

Wondering about the cost of dental implants? The total cost of rebuilding your smile with dental implants will depend on a wide variety of factors, so it’s difficult to get a true estimate without being evaluated by a dental professional. It is true that dental implants initially cost more than other tooth replacement options like dentures and dental bridges. However, the one-time cost of dental implants can easily give you a healthy, strong, and comfortable smile for the rest of your life, while more traditional solutions will need to be replaced every 5-7 years and won’t be able to provide the same quality of life. With us, you’ll always know the estimated cost of your treatment before beginning, and our experienced team will work with you to make completing your smile as affordable as possible.

Cost Factors for Dental Implants

Dentist holding dental implant model and pointing to it

Many factors contribute to the total cost of a dental implant treatment:

  • Preparatory work. Many patients require tooth extractions, bone grafts, or gum disease treatment before they’re eligible to receive dental implants, which will add to the cost.
  • The number of implants needed. Logically, the surgery to place one implant costs less than the surgery to place several implants.
  • The restoration. Dental implant restorations may be made of different materials (acrylic or porcelain, for example) that come with varying price tags. The size and nature of the restoration also affect the cost (a single crown costs less than a bridge or denture).

Keep in mind that you do not have to pay for your entire treatment upfront. Because the stages of the implant process take place at different times, you’ll have an opportunity between treatment phases to make any necessary adjustments to your budget. Planning for the cost of your dental implants will become easier when you visit us for your consultation and receive a personalized treatment plan along with cost estimates.

Financial Resources

Woman in yellow sweater looking at dentist and smiling

There are a few resources you may be able to use to manage the cost of your dental implant treatment:

  • Dental insurance. A few dental insurance plans provide coverage for dental implants. Even if yours does not, it may still mitigate the cost of preparatory work or other parts of your treatment. We’ll happily help you figure out the details of your policy and determine how to use it to your greatest advantage.
  • Medical insurance. Some medical insurance plans cover dental implants if the implants are determined to be medically necessary.
  • We can help you apply for low- or no-interest financing through CareCredit, which can allow you to break up the cost of your treatment into manageable monthly chunks.
  • HSA and FSA funds. Dental implants are usually approved for HSA and FSA funds.

Are Dental Implants Worth the Investment?

Close up of senior woman pointing to smile

Don’t let sticker shock hold you back from rebuilding your smile with strong, natural-looking dental implants. This treatment is a truly worthwhile investment! In fact, since implants have the potential to last a lifetime, they may actually offer a better value than traditional tooth replacement methods, which usually need to be replaced every 5 – 10 years or so. Plus, dental implants offer priceless benefits that other treatments don’t deliver, such as bone preservation and an incredibly strong bite force.

Are you ready to crunch some numbers and decide whether there is room in your budget for a new smile? Contact us to schedule a consultation. Our team will do all we can to assuage your financial concerns and get you on the road to the healthy, sturdy set of teeth you deserve.

Dental Implant Post-Op Instructions

Patient holding model of dental implant between teeth

The first hurdle of your dental implant treatment will be healing after your surgery, but don’t be worried! Many patients report feeling back to their normal selves within just a day or two after their procedure. As long as you follow dental implant post-op instructions from your dentist, you’ll be able to minimize any uncomfortable side effects and make a speedy recovery. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact us!

What to Do Directly After Dental Implant Surgery

Male patient in button up shirt checking smile in mirror

After your surgery, one of your biggest priorities should be leaving the forming blood clot untouched. This will help prevent infections and ensure that your gums heal around your implants. To make sure this happens, follow these tips:

  • Don’t spit. Instead, use tissues or swallow your saliva.
  • Make sure you don’t drink anything out of a straw.
  • Don’t smoke for at least a couple of days following your surgery.
  • Avoid touching the surgical site with your fingers or tongue.

Common Side Effects

Close up of woman with tooth pain

Just like with any procedure, you’ll experience some side effects as your mouth begins to heal. Knowing which effects are normal and which ones you should be concerned about is a good way to ease any anxiety you may be feeling after your treatment. Here are some typical side effects that our patients notice after their surgery:

  • Periodic bleeding that can go on for multiple days and can be lessened by placing a piece of sterile gauze and light pressure on the surgery site.
  • Swelling that can last over a week can be brought down by placing a cold compress on the area for 10 minutes at a time, for up to an hour.
  • General discomfort that can be alleviated with pain medication that’s either prescribed or recommended to you by Dr. Durga.


Woman with reddish hair sitting on couch and smiling

To preserve your extraction site and feel more comfortable after your surgery, it’s important that you stick to eating softer, non-abrasive foods for the first few days after the procedure. Here are some suggestions:

  • Mashed potatoes
  • Yogurt
  • Ice cream
  • Pudding
  • Soup (lukewarm)
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Pasta

As soon as you start feeling up to it, you can introduce some of the regular foods you eat back into your diet. Just avoid directly chewing on your implant site.

Oral Hygiene

Brushing teeth with an electric toothbrush

It’s absolutely crucial to maintain good oral hygiene, even directly after your surgery. However, as you’re healing, you may need to be more mindful when you brush and floss. Here are a few tips to keep your extraction sites and mouth clean:

  • You can brush your teeth as you normally would, just be careful near your surgical sites.
  • Rinse your mouth two or three times a day (it’s best to do this after meals) with a saltwater solution or prescription mouth rinse if you have it.
  • Avoid using mouthwashes with alcohol in them that can dry out your mouth and are more acidic.

What to Do After Your New Teeth Are Attached

Man in maroon button up shirt smiling

After your new pearly whites are finally in place, you’ll be able to enjoy your smile again. You may experience some discomfort as you adjust to your implant restoration, but rest assured, that will go away soon, and you’ll be able to get the most out of your new dental implants!

Maintaining & Caring for Your Dental Implants

Man in white shirt brushing his teeth

To ensure the longevity of your dental implants, you’ll need to take care of them just like you would your natural teeth. This way, you can expect them to last for decades and remain functional and beautiful along the way. Dr. Durga and her team are happy to go over the best steps to take care of your smile going forward. These proactive steps can ensure you can speak, smile, and eat your favorite foods with confidence. To get additional tips on maintaining your dental implants, give us a call!

Make Oral Hygiene a Priority

Woman holding cup and mouthwash

Brushing and flossing in between dental checkups is critical to keep your dental implants healthy. This will keep harmful bacteria from attacking your soft tissue as well as causing bone loss. Thankfully, oral hygiene at home is relatively simple. All you need to do is brush twice a day with fluoridated toothpaste and floss at least once a day. With that said, it can’t hurt to introduce an oral rinse to your routine that is fluoridated and does not contain alcohol.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Woman holding and eating a salad

It’s okay to have dessert or chips every once in a while, but don’t make it a habit. A balanced diet plays a major role in the long-term health of your dental implant. For this reason, you should keep starches and sugars to a minimum and always consume a healthy daily serving of leafy greens, fruits, dairy products, and lean proteins. Not only are they great for your body, but they do big favors for your oral health.

Break Bad Habits

Close up of cigarette being snapped in half

Some of the worst habits for your dental implants are the same ones that damage your natural teeth as well. This includes using tobacco products of any kind, biting your nails, and chewing on inedible objects that can easily leave teeth chipped, cracked, or broken. Dental implants are an expensive investment, so it’s best to treat them that way to ensure they remain healthy. On top of breaking these habits, we recommend chewing sugar-free gum after meals as well. Speak to your doctor about quitting tobacco if you’re struggling to do so on your own.

Protect Your Dental Implants

Bald man with beard smiling

Stress can lead to teeth grinding, which in turn can damage dental implants. A customized nightguard can work to reduce damage caused by grinding, especially while you sleep. Furthermore, if you are active, always wear a mouthguard to prevent blunt force from leaving your implants (and teeth) damaged.

Schedule Regular Dental Checkups

Filling out planner on a busy desk

You’ll still need to visit our office every six months for a routine exam and cleaning. During these visits, we can confirm that your oral care is working to prevent decay and gum disease and make sure no underlying problems are present with your oral health or dental implant. The sooner we address issues when they appear, the easier it will be to treat them before they turn into dental emergencies!

Dental Implant FAQs

Can I get dental implants if I have gum disease?

The long-term success of your smile relies on remaining infection-free. Therefore, you cannot get dental implants if you have active gum disease; however, that does not mean you are not a candidate for them in the future. We can help you get your gum health back on track so you can be ready for your new smile.

Am I too old for dental implants?

Age is not necessarily a determining factor for dental implants. You must be finished growing, but if you have good oral and general health as well as a strong jawbone, you are never too old for them. During your consultation, we’ll carefully review your smile and medical history to ensure that dental implants are right for you.

Can I get dental implants if I smoke?

Tobacco slows down your body’s natural healing process, which could prevent your dental implant from integrating into your jawbone and forming a solid foundation. It also leaves your mouth much more vulnerable to infection, which can lead to implant failure and other severe complications. You’ll need to refrain from smoking for several weeks before and after your dental implant surgery, so it’s the perfect time to break this bad habit.

How long do dental implants last?

The lifespan of dental implants depends on the lifestyle choices and health of the patient. To ensure that dental implants last, be sure that you are brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash daily. Attend your regular cleanings and checkups and avoid chewing on anything particularly hard or sticky. With proper maintenance, dental implants can last upwards of 30 years. This is several times longer than traditional bridges or dentures.

Does getting dental implants hurt?

The jawbone doesn’t have very many nerve endings, and your mouth will be numbed with a local anesthetic before the procedure begins. You will also most likely be sedated, lowering your body’s ability to register pain. Even though you shouldn’t feel any pain during your surgery, you may experience some soreness for a few days afterward. Take recommended over-the-counter and prescribed pain relievers as directed by your dentist. Cold compresses can also help. Give us a call if the discomfort worsens instead of improving after two or three days.

Will I have to take off work for dental implant surgery?

Many patients only need to take off one or two days to get dental implants. If your job is physically demanding, you may want to wait at least three to four days, as heavy exercise could divert blood from the implant site and delay healing. During your consultation, Dr. Durga can give you a more specific recommendation for your individual case so you can prepare accordingly.

Do dental implants decay?

No, dental implants are artificial and not made from real enamel, so they cannot develop cavities. However, your natural teeth are still able to experience decay, and your gums can still become infected. Ultimately, oral hygiene is just as important now as it has ever been.