Replace Missing Teeth Carrollton

Enjoy a Gap-Free Smile Once Again

Woman leaning on hands and smiling

Instead of continuing to live with an incomplete smile that is full of gaps, why not entrust your smile to our qualified team at DD Family Dentistry of Carrollton? Using proven solutions to rebuild and recreate fully functional, natural-looking smiles, we can help boost your confidence so that you no longer feel embarrassed when trying to speak to others or eat your favorite foods. Give us a call to schedule an appointment with Dr. Durga to discuss which method of treatment is best to replace your missing teeth in Carrollton.

Why Choose DD Family Dentistry of Carrollton for Replacing Missing Teeth?

  • Start-to-Finish Implant Placement & Restoration
  • Affordable Dentures That Look and Feel Natural
  • State-of-the-Art Dental Facility

Dental Bridges

Illustration of dental bridge being placed on teeth

When one or more teeth are missing from the upper or lower arch, our team can provide you with a customized dental bridge. Designed to “bridge the gap” in your smile, it is crafted using two dental crowns, which fit over healthy abutment teeth, and artificial, free-standing teeth. When placed, your smile will look as good as new, allowing you to eat and speak with greater confidence as well as show off a more beautiful and complete appearance.

Learn More About Dental Bridges

Dentures & Partial Dentures

Illustration of full dentures sitting on reflective surface next to dental mirror

Dr. Durga offers both partial dentures (to replace a small section of teeth and help prevent existing healthy, natural teeth from shifting position) and full or complete dentures (to replace an entire set of teeth, such as upper and lower dentures). Partial and full dentures offer an efficient, affordable option for tooth replacement for patients who require a more cost-conscious approach.

Dentures restore the function of your teeth and the appearance of your smile, and they can correct facial features affected by missing teeth. Most dentures are made from a combination of metals and synthetic material, are lightweight and long-lasting, and mimic the look and feel of natural teeth. With proper care and maintenance, partial and full dentures will need to be replaced every five to seven years.

Learn More about Dentures and Partial Dentures

Dental Implants

Gloved hands holding and pointing to dental implant model

Considered a superior tooth replacement solution, dental implants are known to be costlier than dentures and dental bridges; however, they also last significantly longer (an estimated 30+ years). Made of titanium, these small posts are placed into the jawbone so that they will fuse with surrounding tissues to build a supportive base for one or more missing teeth. Their versatility makes it possible for them to sustain a crown, bridge, or denture when placed.

Learn More About Dental Implants