Lip & Tongue-Tie Treatment Carrollton

Safe, Pain-Free Laser Frenectomies for Infants & Children

Man and woman sitting against wall smiling

An estimated five percent of children are born with lip or tongue-ties that restrict the movement of their mouth, making basic, important tasks like feeding more difficult. Unfortunately, many parents are unfamiliar with the common signs, making it difficult for them to know whether an examination and treatment are necessary. We offer thorough examinations as well as safe laser frenectomies in Carrollton to improve your little one’s quality of life. Call us today to inquire about lip and tongue-tie treatment for your child.

Why Choose DD Family Dentistry of Carrollton for Lip & Tongue-Tie Treatment?

  • Frenectomies Performed Using a Soft Dental Laser
  • We Welcome Your PPO Dental Insurance Benefits
  • Dentist with Years of Trusted Experience

How Do Lip & Tongue-Ties Develop?

Baby lying down with parent pulling down lip

Everyone has a piece of soft tissue that connects their tongue to the floor of their mouth and their lips to their gums, called a frenulum. For children with lip or tongue-ties, this tissue is often too short or thick, limiting their ability to move their lips and tongues in ways that are beneficial when breastfeeding and bottle feeding, and as they get older, speaking.

Some signs of lip and tongue-ties to look out for include:

  • Difficulty latching while nursing
  • Little to no weight gain
  • Inability to use a pacifier
  • Chewing on the nipple while breastfeeding
  • Reflux or symptoms of colic
  • Falls asleep while breastfeeding

You may also experience signs related to nursing, like:

  • Breast inflammation
  • Plugged milk ducts
  • Severe pain
  • Sore or cracked nipples

Why is it Important to Treat Lip & Tongue-Ties?

Pulling up lip to show lip tie

Without proper treatment, lip and tongue-ties can impact your infant’s health as well as certain aspects of their life as they get older. Some issues that could develop as a result of not getting a frenectomy include:

  • The development of speech impediments
  • Poor nutrition
  • Dental misalignment requiring orthodontic treatment
  • Increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease

Lip & Tongue-Tie Treatment (Frenectomies)

Baby receiving lip and tongue tie treatment in Carrollton

Dr. Durga can treat lip and tongue-ties with a treatment called a frenectomy. This involves removing overgrown tissue from the frenulum using a soft tissue laser, improving your child’s lip and tongue mobility.

The soft tissue laser emits a small beam of light that’s able to safely remove the tissue without using a scalpel or surgical scissors, as well as cauterize the area on-contact, minimizing bleeding and decreasing chances of infection. The entire procedure can be completed in just a few short minutes, and because of the advanced technology used, they won’t require any stitches or sutures to be placed, making the healing process much quicker and more comfortable.

Understanding the Cost of Lip & Tongue-Tie Treatment

Man and woman sitting together on couch

Frenectomies are relatively straightforward treatments that typically have set price tags, but some factors may play into their cost, like whether the dentist uses surgical scissors or a soft tissue laser to complete the treatment. In some cases, patients may even need to come in multiple times if the tissue grows back. However, this is dependent on the individual. Our team is happy to help you more easily afford care for your little one, whether that’s filing an insurance claim on your behalf or helping get you signed up for our Dental Savings Plan. Call today to learn more about your payment options!

What Determines the Cost of a Frenectomy?

Male patient speaking to female dentist

While the cost of frenectomies can vary based on your location, the method of treatment, and other factors, lip and tongue-tie correction typically costs between $400 and $2,500, with the average cost being $800 if you’re uninsured. Another factor that your provider will take into account is the age of your child, as infants require a more precise hand when concerning the severity of their frenum’s overgrowth.

Are Frenectomies Worth the Investment?

Female patient in yellow shirt looking back and smiling

Although they may sound minor, lip and tongue-ties can impact your child across many aspects of their life, from the foods they eat to the quality of their sleep. If your child has a moderate to severe lip or tongue-tie, it could lead to the development of an airway and breathing disorder, reflux, bottle-feeding and nursing difficulties, and speech impairments. By addressing the issue early on, you’ll be able to minimize the impact their lip or tongue-tie has on their social and physical development.

Does Dental Insurance Cover the Cost of Frenectomies?

Dental insurance form with pen and glasses

Dental insurance plans will sometimes cover the cost of frenectomies depending on your coverage. Our team is in-network with several PPO and DPPO insurance plans, including Aetna, BlueCross BlueShield, Guardian, and more, which means we offer discounted rates and fees. If you have questions or would like to learn more about whether your plan will cover the cost of a frenectomy, please don’t hesitate to call us directly.

Making Lip & Tongue-Tie Treatment More Affordable

Man and woman speaking to dentist across desk

If you’re uninsured or underinsured, we also offer other payment methods so you can get your child the care they need, like discounts through our accessible Dental Savings Plan as well as additional financing through CareCredit.

Through our Dental Savings Plan, you can pay just $19 a month for children under 12, which will cover their yearly X-rays, exams, and cleanings with no exclusions. With CareCredit, upon approval, the cost of lip and tongue-tie treatment will be split up into small, manageable monthly payments.

Lip & Tongue-Tie FAQs

What causes lip and tongue-ties?

The truth is that no one knows exactly why some children are born with restricted oral tissues and others are not. Research has observed that these issues tend to run in families, so genetics may play a role. Thankfully, with early treatment, most patients can live their lives without experiencing any problems stemming from lip or tongue-ties.

Will a child just “grow out of” a lip or tongue-tie?

No, if a child has a lip or tongue-tie as an infant, then it will not go away as they get older. As mentioned above, an untreated tie can eventually lead to speech, digestion, and even dental issues for teens and adults, which is why it’s recommended to resolve these problems in infants.

How long does it take to recover from a laser frenectomy?

The typical recovery time for a laser frenectomy is about a week, though most children can feed without issue and feel fine just minutes after the procedure. What’s important is that the tongue and/or lips are gently and frequently stretched after the treatment to ensure proper healing (and prevent the tie from coming back). You’ll be given a routine after the procedure that will show you what to do step by step!

Will insurance help pay for a frenectomy?

Both dental and medical insurance can sometimes be used to help pay for a frenectomy, but the benefits vary quite a bit from plan to plan. While some policies might offer coverage for lip and tongue-tie care, they might not cover laser therapy from a dentist, for example. The procedure has a relatively low out-of-pocket cost, so most people find that it’s simpler and less expensive to pay directly. However, we would be happy to look over your dental benefits with you, so you have a full understanding of your payment options.